
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Did Sam Flores rip off Jon Foster's Dragon and Herdmans print for his Dragon tree ?

Dragon and Herdsman by Jon Foster

Dragon Tree by Sam Flores

Well an interesting story is developing. Look at the two prints above. Jon Foster feels Sam Flores has ripped off his Dragon and Herdsman print in creating his Dragon Tree print.

Looks like Sam did, hate to say it but looks to much like it. Waiting to hear from Upper Playground and Jon.

What are your thoughts ? Drop a comment


  1. Yes, it looks like someone copied someone else,
    It is pretty obvious that sam Flores used all the lines of Jon Foster.
    Hope they will resolve this "misunderstanding" peacefully.

  2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

  3. Sam Flores sucks anyways, so I'm not surprised.

  4. there's no question about could put one print on top of the other and see how it was traced. how very shepperd fairey of him to be a talentless thief.

  5. Was just reading about it online---just put in Jon Foster and Dragontree---Foster's came out in 2006 and it looks like he had no knowledge of Sam's using it if you read some of the comments...

  6. its not even a question. Its traced, the lines are exactly the same except that Flores moved the dragon head. Anybody with photoshop could figure this out. Sam has a lot of nerve stealing work like this then selling it. Thats just horrible.

  7. Is Sam still selling these posters and making money off them??? Shame on you Sam...

  8. Sam is one of my favorites, I am saddened by this. I am sill a big fan, though it makes me wonder if anything else is traced as well.

    Get well Sam copying is the devil.

  9. The guy is a one trick pony. Alien head, banana fingers. He had to try something else. Seeing as how he can't think for himself, he stole from somebody that could.

  10. Sam has copied before, and given how he exused himself this time ~ he will again. Hopefully his career is over, you don't steal from living artists, ever.

  11. there are examples of Flores ripping off other artists works emerging all over the net- hope this shit explodes on him. What a disappointment... I really hope his career is finished. Fuck Upper Playground as well, this has made me lose a lot of respect for what theyre doing.

  12. pity. i like his work. will be hard to appreciate now. Why Sam, why?????
