
Monday, February 1, 2010

Deuce Seven Mural at 14th and Valencia in San Francico

From Fecal Face:
There's a new mural in the Mission. Formerly Minneapolis-based artist Deuce 7 (a.k.a. Deuce Seven, Twenty Seven, 27) has relocated to the Bay Area and is helping out a pal while beautifying the neighborhood.

The current state

ClearChannel has an eye-level billboard on the side of an apartment building on 14th Street where it intersects with Valencia. The last time a billboard/banner graced that particular space was at the end of October 2009, when it was last seen crumpled in a heap on the street. Somebody took away old banner, but the billboard space was left blank... yes, a big huge blank slate; so inviting to street artists and graff writers.

I'm the manager of that building, and as such, it's my job to paint over the incessant tagging that happens on that area of my home and job. Over the past three months, I've spent countless hours painting over hastily scrawled graff—which is no joy to me because I love a bit of street art, but if I don't paint over it, the owners of the building get a fine, which comes back on me. I could lose my job and apartment, so... I kind of have to partake in the endless back-and-forth of claiming that space.

Previously, I'd taken some spare paint I had and drew big head shapes on either side. One pink, one teal... they quickly became fodder for more tags. I'd hoped to be able to add to them when I had a chance, but I'm in school full-time right now, so I don't have a load of extra time on my hands.

When my friend from Minneapolis, Deuce 7, relocated to the West Coast, we met up for tea and took a look at the space. He said he'd be stoked to paint it, and since I've been a fan of his work for years, I was also stoked.

So far, he's spent four long days painting it—three of those days between rainstorms and sometimes even during. The police stopped by once, but I let them know it was all good. They drove away with their little moustached mouths still agape. There's a lot to take in. It's definitely worth seeing in person if you haven't already (even at night, there's a light on it). It's surely only a matter of time before ClearChannel puts up another billboard warning us that we have lupus or papertowels are on sale at Safeway, so get at it while you can.

Detail and process pics at

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