
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Worldwide paper shortage forces gigposter and movie poster artists to make hard decision

The global paper market has seen severe disruption for many years. The massively devastating earthquake in Chile together with the Finnish dock strikes have proved disastrous for the already unsustainable paper market.

The Chilean earthquake killed 500 people and caused an estimated $30 billion worth of damage. Chile supplies 8% of all paper pulp, so as production in Chile ceased, paper production companies all over the world lost out on valuable supplies. This led to an increase in demand for paper pulp from other sources and this in turn led to increased prices at a time when paper pulp was already at a 15 year high. With the tubes the posters are delivered in being made from paper pulp as well the situation has reached a breaking point.

With those factors along with deforestation paper has become increasingly cost prohibitive. This has forced the artist community to make a very difficult decision. Behind closed doors for months now they have been trying to workout a solution to the problem. Many options and ideas were suggested. Artists still want to create the art for gigposters and movies so fans can enjoy it. But a comprise had to be found.

So starting on May first of this year you will no longer be able to purchase a physical poster of your favorite Gigposter or Mondo movie poster, instead it will be a digital image. They will still be "limited editions" with only a certain number of people actual able to purchase and download them. This way no paper will be used in making the posters or the tubes. The digital frame industry is expected to increase and now you will be able to load all your favorite Olly Moss and Tyler Stout poster images into one frame and have them scroll for viewing. This way you can also choose which posters to have on display in your home depending on your mood and who is coming over. There is talk about interactive posters as well perhaps incorporating music from the band for a gigposter and scenes from the movie for a movie poster.


  1. April Fool's Day to you too!


  2. lol, happy april 1st!

    erik g

  3. feeble attempt at humor

  4. Well thought out,very funny

  5. And here people thought I was stupid/gross for refusing to use toilet paper when the paper fibers could be better used for creating art.

  6. Sadly enough, not actually a joke:

  7. Was that a pathetically misguided attempt at engaging your readers? (Oh.. I guess it worked.)

    1. It's sad when people lose their sense of humor

    2. i was being sarcastic, sport. good stuff :))
