
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Openings : Josh Keyes and John Brophy at Roq La Rue Gallery

Last night saw the opening of one of the most highly anticipated shows this fall, Josh Keyes and John Brophy at Roq La Rue Gallery in Seattle.  Inside the Rock Poster Frame Street Team was there to bring you all the pictures.

Josh Keyes exhibition was titled "The Circus and the Sea" and his fans were treated to 6 new paintings and a new print (Exodus I) that some people lined up for over night to purchase. Cars in the area were seen from all over the west coast from California to Colorado people drove up for the show and a chance to purchase the print. My favorite painting is The Hermit, perfect blending of the elements of the sea while the helmet protects the crab like it does a diver.

John Brophy's " New Songs for The Standard Model " show was a real surprise. Not being familiar with his work it was outstanding. Taking cues from the religious imagery of 15th century Flemish Primitive art, he takes their use of intimate compositions and understated gestures and reworks them using contemporary imagery to create surreal yet immediate new icons for the modern age. John Brophy released a new print entitled " Oracle " during the opening.

Click the tab above that says Coverage of Gallery Openings to see all the pictures.

All the paintings will be on display through December 1 if your in the area you should stop in and check it out.

 Roq La Rue Gallery
2312 2nd Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121

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