
Monday, January 21, 2013

Prints on Wood Valentines Day Special

In a few weeks your heart will begin to beat faster, your face will become flushed, your words will begin to slur, and you'll start to feel a little light headed all at the same time.

These are symptoms of a serious seasonal condition experts refer to as "Valentines Fever", which can be traced back to one of 3 likely causes:

1. An over consumption of cheap heart shaped candy an inconsiderate beau fobbed off as a "thoughtful" Valentines Day gift, resulting in an unnatural sugar high.

2. The unsettling onset of fear and panic when you realize it's February 14th and every store on the way home from work is completely sold out of tacky stuffed animals.

Valentines Day gifts can be tricky, they have to walk a fine line between sweet and thoughtful. If it looks cheap, store bought, or you forgot to scrape the price tag off the box, your significant other will think you waited until the last minute. On the flip-side, making your own gift can be a gamble... unless you're 8 years old, a coupon book redeemable for free hugs made out of construction paper and glitter will more than likely result in you spending Valentines Day alone at your parents house. There's also a couple of smart-allecks who forgo both avenues and think they're such an amazing partner that no gifts are needed on Valentines Day.

 You want to be an awesome boyfriend/girlfriend, but you don't want to break the bank. You want to get something nice, but you don't have time to go to the store. You want to put in a little effort as possible, while tricking your lover into thinking you spent hours considering the perfect gift. Fear not you hopeless romantic, PRINTS ON WOOD has the cure for your Valentines Fever!

 Think about it.... flowers are going to wilt, candy is going to go straight to your thighs, and mylar balloons can cause a power outage. A custom wood print can capture a memory... be it a wedding, first kiss, or romantic getaway. If you have a picture of it, they can make a print.

So head over to and learn how you can give the best gift. 

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