
Thursday, January 31, 2013

SEDITIONS Gallery Show Frank Kozik and Winston Smith at Varnish Fine Art

Opening Reception: Saturday February 2, 6-9pm
The seditious editions in the show are works of “rebellious disorder” that act as an intellectual call to arms to the public at large to stand against complacency. Each artist repurposes the pop cultural zeitgeist of the 50’s postwar era with punk rock bones to create sometimes complex sometimes bone chillingly simple messages challenging us to look harder at the politics and governments we take for granted are working in our best interests. On exhibit will be original works and limited editions.

Kozik and Smith share the experience of having lived in postwar Europe in the early to mid 70’s, a period of intense upheaval. Kozik’s childhood in Franco Era Spain was full of visually influential authoritarian acts and imagery, evidenced by his use of the propaganda poster format. By contrast Winston Smith’s time in Italy as a teenager was full of class struggle and socio-political turmoil turned to violence that one writer claims “amounted to anarchy.” This state of chaos mixed with a 50’s childhood in a “flyover” state comes into stark relief in his politically tinged collage-montages.

Using imagery of the 50’s and beyond as his starting point, Smith “kidnaps” them from their original contexts, re-purposing them into politically charged tableaus that confront the viewer with the paradoxes and incongruities occurring in front of our eyes. With a sublime humor, Smith talks to us of deep and troubling issues with friendly imagery. Kozik uses the template of the propaganda poster prevalent during and post WWII in the US and Europe to create art print and music poster editions full of visually gripping and supremely graphic scenarios rife with cultural messages of challenge. He has recently turned his graphically keen eye to the world of sculpture, creating limited edition works of some of his most well known images.

Kozik created a special edition of clear orange resin Gipper/Reagan busts for the Varnish show.

Editions will be released for online sales on Saturday Feb 2 at 6pm PST.

Varnish Fine Art
 16 Jessie Street, #C120, San Francisco, CA 94105 (415)433-4400

1 comment:

  1. I want to buy the special edition of clear orange resin Gipper/Reagan
    Is it for sale?
    If so contct me at
    Thanks, Carly
