
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Phoenix & Super Wizard Of The Jungle Posters by Jon Smith

Jon Smith has two brand new, 4 color screen prints. Other than that they have next to nothing in common..other than being weird as fuck. First up we have a poster for the sold out Phoenix show at the Paramount Theatre last week. Available now, signed and numbered edition of 200, 18″x24″.

Jon on how he created the poster :
 The direction I went with the Phoenix design is obviously somewhat Japanese, which I thought would fit with the new single, “Entertainment“.  One of my favorite designers, and from what I know(not much) the greatest Japanese designer ever, Tadanori Yokoo. I never really know how much I actually got out of design school but Tad’s(that’s what his friends cal him…Tad) work is one of the few things that jumped out of the history of graphic design book and stabbed me in the eyes, so parts of this design are a tip of the cap to a master.

Next up is Super Wizard of the Jungle, Jon can explain the idea behind it:

 Moving right along we have my print for “Mint Condition 2″ at Ltd Gallery in Seattle, a group show paying homage to comic books and comic book culture. I’ve recently dipped back into the world of comic books after I dunno, an 8 year hiatus? I dunno it’s been a while since I read comics regualarly. In junior high and high school all I did was draw full size, pencilled comic pages. It was all I wanted to do.. then there were posters. Long story short I heard about Brian Posehn writing the new Deadpool and magically I found myself back in a comic book shop and in addition to Deadpool(which is awesome, recommend) I ended up buying a handful of graphic novels and collected reprints. The crown jewel of these finds was a Fantagraphics collection of old public domain comic strips by this dude I’d never heard of, Fletcher Hanks

Buy them both HERE

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