
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Darin Shock The Beatles Rubber Soul 3D Album Cover Art

Darin Shock has an absolutely killer piece in this Fridays Where's My Mind show at Bottleneck Gallery. It is another one of his mixed media pieces that have been selling out for every show he does one and I think it's his best one yet. This one features The Beatles

Details from Darin:

The Beatles. Rubber Soul. What can I say? I guess I'll start with stating that my love for the Beatles is one of the many great things I inherited from my father. He gave me my artistic interest, my twisted sensibilities, and the ability to grow a beard as bad as Michael Jackson. I know everyone's dad loves The Beatles but mine has always (and to this day) COVERED his house in Beatles memorabilia. It's simply a way of life in the Shock household. I'm certain he's currently wearing Beatles underwear...from 1963...not mint condition!

Over time I've come to appreciate some of the early stuff but as far as I'm concerned, The Beatles didn't become The Beatles until Rubber Soul. Among other things, these 4 are the shining example of how to artistically develop. They started with the "please buy this record, girl" approach and established success, credentials, and therefore money and power. They didn't take their success and regurgitate the blue print which Im sure they were pressured to do. Instead they did it their way! For some reason this is STILL extremely rare. They sold out at first and then musically progressed. They're the anti-Metallica if you will. Ok Im ranting...the point is their work drastically changed direction with this album in 1965. The sophistication in song writing as well as musical advancement started a run of albums that shall never be paralleled in musical brilliance.

I was asked to contribute to Bottleneck Gallery's Where's My Mind exhibit: a study in all things mind blowing. The beauty of a Bottleneck show is the room for interpretation. Some interpreted that as anything psychedelic or M. Night Shyamalan-y. Though this album is not that, it was a bold move and the result was it changed music forever. Considering the music being produced at the time, Rubber Soul was (and still is) mind blowing!

This is a 19x19" mixed media sculpture that will officially become available on Thursday, July 11th. Bottleneck will have an online preview Thursday (8-9pm EST), the show opens in Brooklyn on Friday, and if it's still around it'll be available online Saturday at noon (EST).

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