
Monday, December 30, 2013

Fundraiser for Jonathan Reynolds Help Fight Cancer

Alison Fujimoto contacted me the other day to help spread the word and help with her husband's (Jonathan) fight with cancer who is battling Stage IV rectal cancer. He was immediately dropped by his insurance (claimed a pre-existing condition) and bills have risen to over $100,000 in only four months of chemo treatments. He still has 1 more month to go before 5 weeks of radiation and then surgery to remove the primary tumor and mets in his liver.  Many artists and galleries have begun promoting his gofundme page at and are sending prints to auction on ebay to raise some money, and the fundraiser will begin today and will run until they have no more prints to list. They will be found here: An Auction for Jonathan Artists include Laurent Durieux, Eine, Fairey, Mau Mau, Ansin, Edmiston, and Faile. About 30 more prints will be posted as they become available in the next few weeks. Here is the the thread on ExpressoBeans for the prints to be auctioned off. Also the members on Daves Posters are listing items as well.

Tim Doyle has also thrown his support behind the effort as well.

Details from Tim

I’ve never met Alison, and most likely never will. I don’t know her, but she is a person in need. And that’s all that matters. 2013 has been very, very good to me and my family- while at the same time being very cruel to so many others. I want to pass on my good fortune to her and help out. And to do so, I am donating 100% of my cut of my print sales from the recent ‘Evolution’ exhibition in Chicago to Alison. I’ve instructed Brian Merel of the Merel Gallery that when the show closes, whatever funds that would have been going to me- to pass those on to Alison instead, in the form of a check. I’m not going to lecture in detail on the unfairness of our Health Care system here in the US, or how medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcies any more than I just did in this sentence. But what I will say is- if you’ve had a good year, good fortune, or just want to pick up some art and feel good about it at the same time, buy something or donate directly.

So visit the Merel Gallery Website HERE and pick those prints up- get some good art and help out a good family in need.

Also- for the remainder of the year (through December 31st at midnight Central Time) 50% of all sales of my prints on the Nakatomi Site will also be donated to Alison. That means all the prints in the DOYLE SECTION HERE.

If you want to make a donation, but don’t like Tim's art (that’s okay, really) you can do that directly HERE, on Alison’s GoFundMe page.

There’s a lot more info on Alison’s gofundme page, do check it out.

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