
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Doze Green Death Mask Print Release

Doze Green is dropping a new print with 1xRUN on Thursday titled Death Mask.

"The icon that is Rammellzee is represented here as an homage to my personal big brother and mentor. He was and still is a great motivation in my work. I am just paying my respects to the master.

Like in the days of the ancients, when the pharaohs, emperors, and kings of great nations walked through the veil of existence in the 3rd density. Their physical bodies would be prepared in ritual for the afterlife. Some were entombed in sarcophagi, others on a funeral pyre, but most if not all wore some kind of death mask representational of the divine eternal face to be greeted on the next plane. Others where garnished with fierce masks to repel demons on their cosmic journey. RAMM always expressed that he would traverse the hells to slay then return to forever. The Death Mask is my interpretation of just that." - Doze Green

Death Mash Print goes on sale Thursday at NOON EDT at

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