
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Night of the Living Dead Poster by Kilian Eng Grey Matter Art Release

Grey Matter Art will have great looking new release next week as the classic zombie movie Night of Living Dead comes alive in poster form from the mind of Kilian Eng.

Mike from Grey Matter Art discuss the poster:

"Before we decided to tackle this project, we really wanted to find the right artist to agree to it. This film is very special to me, and I see it as one of the best horror classics of all time. It still holds up to this day when I watch it. So picking the right artist to portray it correctly was important to me. When I think of Kilian, I don't immediately think of him doing this type of genre, but for some reason it just seemed to fit well together. So we got in touch, and he said before he agrees, he wanted to view it. He did, and said yes. It didn't take long for the piece to come together, he pretty much nailed the idea the first time around after adding a couple of tweaks. I think even though Kilian is known for his amazing Sci-Fi posters, I see this poster as one of his absolute best. Night of the Living Dead may have some great posters out there already, but I see this as an instant classic, representing the movie perfectly, I wouldn't be too surprised to see Kilian taking on more classic horror films in the future".
Mike Gregory-

Details on the poster
36 x 24 screen print
Regular edition-250 7 colors
Variant edition-150 6 colors

On sale Tuesday July 15 at

Check out this cool video Danny Ratcliff made of the poster

Night of The Living Dead - Killian Eng from Danny Ratcliff on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Cool movie as a kid; at the drive-in; when you use to hang the speaker on the window - now that's living!
