
Monday, August 4, 2014

Guzu Gallery Presents: Children of the 80s - An Art Exhibition Celebrating Cartoons & Toys from the Raddest Decade Ever

Guzu Gallery Presents: Children of the 80s
For the generation of children who grew up in the so-called "Decade of Excess", everything that was important about the 80s, everything that mattered, happened on Saturday morning. Forget the Cold War and the war against drugs. Forget the Iran-Contra Scandal. It was all about Saturday morning! So many awesome cartoons! So many awesome toy commercials! Every cartoon had a toy line and every toy line had its cartoon (yes, kids actually played with toys a very, very long time ago). It was a magical era for sure…and Guzu intends to serve up a slice of that nostalgia this summer at their art exhibition titled Children of the 80s. Join Guzu Gallery as they celebrate the cartoons and toys from the raddest decade ever!

The opening reception was this past Friday and the artwork will remain up through August 30th. Be sure to sport your best (or worst) 80s attire! Blue eyeliner, leg warmers, hair by Aqua Net and Members Only jackets are encouraged (as is wearing your sunglasses at night). Guzu will also be featuring an array of vintage toys from the collection of Outlaw Moon Games & Toys. Admission is free and all ages are welcome!

Guzu Gallery welcomes everyone to the show but if you can't make it out, the artwork will be available for purchase in their online store on Monday, August 4th around Noon CST.

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