
Friday, August 1, 2014

Ron Zakrin Defiance In The Hour Of Darkness Print

1xRUN will be releasing a way cool new print by Ron Zarkin today titled Defiance In The Hour Of Darkness and some paintings from him as well.

"The piece was meant to be part of my Assassin Nation series, but it does not rely on the series for context because at its core it's a tribute to my early days of raising hell and evading capture by law enforcement, which, I am proud to say, I was remarkably good at. The series is a way for me to portray human nature with all of its flaws in a condensed manner, it could just as easily have been a bunch of plumbers, but the Assassin works for me because of the black costumes they wear gives me consistency and simplicity of form. When I get into a series, I have to explore it, run it into the ground, pick it up and dust it off, make it concrete." - Ron Zakrin

On sale Friday at NOON EDT at

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