
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Brian Methe Second Grade Amendment Print Release

Brian Methe is releasing a new screen printed art print this Friday entitled "Second Grade Amendment"

It will be available in three colorways in a run of 20 each.

I asked Brian about the idea behind this great print:
Honestly, I was having a argument on Facebook about gun control and I kept telling someone "how many dead children would it take for someone to change their thoughts about gun control?" If Sandy Hook wasn't enough for people to think we need to do something, how bad does it need to get and the thought that it would take something worse than that, or possibly that nothing is so bad to make people think differently about guns, which is more horrifying. I also thought about how everyone posts "first day of school" pictures of their kids on FB and how cool it is to see all these people going through these rights of passage at the same time, but how they all have worries and concerns about how that year will go, because we don't know and as much as you don't want to think that something like that (a school shooting) could happen, we really have no idea, but we all want our kids to be safe.
These will be available on his Etsy store page for $30 each with free shipping.

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