
Monday, January 18, 2016

Nicole Atkins Posters By Aaron James Powers

Been a while since I heard from Aaron James Powers but he has a some new posters from Nicole Atkins.

I asked Aaron about his creative process:
 Like the plywood print, the landscape series I’ve started working on has been inspired by my trips to the Pacific Northwest and to the relatively wilder regions of New England/The Adirondacks. There’s some subtle personal symbolism in the geometric shapes and disjointed perspectives that I am blending into what would normally be an ordinary landscape study. Themes like personal connection, chemistry, distance, etc started to inadvertently appear in my sketches while trying to accomplish something else entirely, so I stopped questioning it once I realized what was happening naturally. 

Nicole Atkins and I met at a craft fair in Asbury Park, NJ last fall when the event’s organizer referred her to me about doing some show posters. The prints I ended up making for her were based off of a few minutes of brainstorming with her and then presenting a few options to choose from based on what she liked from the previous work I had on display. It’s been great to know I was able to help her bottom line at her merch table on tour, but also to be able to push myself with a level of portraiture I hadn’t tried before.
Nicole Atkins/Mercury Rev European Tour Poster
45cm x 60cm (roughly 17 3/4” x 23 1/2”), 5-color on 100# French Stock
Signed & Numbered AP edition of 30

Nicole Atkins/Marco Benevento Holiday Show Poster
14” x 20”, 4-color on 100# French Stock,
Signed and Numbered AP edition of 30

A print from last year on Plywood

“From Further East Now” Plywood Variant
16” x 20”, 4-color print on 1/4” plywood.
Signed and Numbered edition of 30

Buy them all at

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