
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Earth Crusher The Raise Print

Earth Crusher aims to maximize the overall return to its shareholders by controlling and dominating all life on the planet – areas of expertise in which we have a clear competitive advantage. A fundamental part of this is to deliver value while operating in a non ethical and socially inept manner, and remaining committed to short term gain.

At Earth Crusher, there is always a suite of quality projects under development and a portfolio of global exploitation projects to ensure profitable development opportunities for the future. Projects like slavery, deforestation, lethal tobacco production, toxic chemical production, tactical weapons systems, torture techniques, apple pie, unsustainable farming, intrusive surveillance systems, asbestos mining, and the list goes on.

No other entity on earth can guarantee the same investment security as Earth Crusher. With a complete lack of moral compass, we are able to concentrate solely on generating profit and nothing else.

1xRUN has a new print from him titled The Raise and it comes in your choice of two sizes.
"The Raise is my interpretation of the regular goings-on in the office life of the corporate elite. This piece is the largest of a 4 part series of billboards I built for my solo show "The Chosen One Percent" at Artgang in Montreal, Quebec, March 2016.I became interested in advertising and propaganda in the beginning of my art career and I especially liked the billboard as a medium and started experimenting with it. I see the billboard as being outside of the control of the people, a symbol of power and manipulation. I decided I'd build my own as an attempt to take that power and put it behind my own messages." - Earth Crusher
Buy it at

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