
Friday, February 24, 2017

For The Children Artwork Inspired By and Dedicated to the Legend of the Wu-Tang Clan

Title: For The Children: Art Inspired By and Dedicated to the legend of The Wu-Tang Clan
Curator: Chris Breeden
Location: Final Friday Gallery Walk - Frameshop OTR - 1317 Main St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Date: Final Friday February 24th 2017
Time: 6 - Midnight
Facebook Event Page:

"For The Children" is a group art show inspired by and dedicated to the legend of The Wu-Tang Clan. The show is directed by Chris Breeden in his curatorial debut and features the work of 18 of Cincinnati's best known artists across multiple formats including mixed media, sculpture, print making, photography, woodworking, fiber, needlepoint, painting and drawing. For those of you that just go to art shows for the free beer, beverages will kindly be provided by our friends at West Sixth Brewing Company.

Details from Chris
Why I Put This Show Together:
First. I have a mild obsession with the Wu-Tang Clan. Everyone around me always seems to find it both hilarious and moderately acceptable at the same time. I don't have any Wu tattoos or anything but I probably have more clothes, memorabilia and records than most. The older I have got though, the more I have come to find that I am not alone. People love the Wu. If I am walking downtown wearing a Wu-Tang t-shirt, people will literally yell "Wu-Tang Forever!" or "I Love the Wu!" at me. People of all classes, races and socioeconomic backgrounds, men, women, guys in business suits, people in cars, young people, older people. It's crazy. It's like their was a secret Wu-Tang Society out there or something. So I am like, I have got to do something with this....

Second. I know a ton of amazing artists. My family owns Arnold's Bar and Grill and I have worked there for the last 13 years. Besides the fact that Arnold's has been a go to bar and consistent hang out for the art community since way before I was born. It is also smack dab in the middle of the Design District, putting me in constant contact with some of the best designers and photographers in the country. The same people that design and photograph everything for Proctor and Gamble, Kroger's and more. Through my years of working there I have formed close relationships with some of the best and most respected artists in the business. People like Pam Kravetz, Keith Neltner, James Billiter, Tommy Sheehan and more. I have this crazy huge pool of talented artists around me so I am like, I have got to do something with this....

Third. The last part came together when I started using the Frame shop to frame some of the artwork that I have collected. Every time I would go in there I would end up spending forever in there talking to Jake or whoever was working and I built a relationship with them. I realized they could help me create my vision and it doesn't get much better in Cincinnati than The Final Friday Art Crawl. So, everything came together and the light bulb went off in my head and now we have: For The Children

Keith Neltner's Piece titled "Counting Souls". It is based off of The GZA's album Liquid Swords and the movie Shogun Assassin. It is an edition of 15 for $45

This one from Brian Methe and is titled "The Heart Gently Weeps" It's an edition of 30 for $30
 The Show poster will also be available from Lightning Horse Industries. It is an edition 50 for $20.

List of Artists:
Adam Henry
Brian Methe
James Billiter
Jason Coffey
Joe Bias
John Carrico
Keith Neltner
Kyle Ebersole
Lightning Horse Industries
Matt Wiseman
Pam Kravetz
Powerhouse Factories
Rob Warnick
Tara Heilman
Tara Zajac
Tommy Sheehan
WU Stitch
We Have Become Vikings

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