
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Lauren YS Reef Keeper Print Release From PangeaSeed

PangeaSeed is pleased to announce the latest print of the ongoing Sea of Change: The Year of Living Dangerously - Vol. 3 print suite by guest artist Lauren YS (USA). The highlighted species of this edition is threatened coral.

Artist: Lauren YS
Title: Reef Keeper
Species: Coral
Price: $95 per print or $275 for the complete set of 3 prints
Dimensions: 18x24 inches

Coral Edition of 35 prints
7 colors on Cougar Opaque Natural 270gsm paper

Rainbow Cream Edition of 35 prints
6 colors on Rainbow Holographic Foil 10 pt. Board

Full Rainbow Edition of 35 prints
6 colors on Rainbow Holographic Foil 10 pt. Board

Printed by VG Kids

On sale now at

A portion of the proceeds from the sales of each print go directly to support PangeaSeed's ongoing efforts to help save our seas and threatened marine life via art and activism (ARTivism).

Artist statement:
"Reef Keeper" is Lauren's vision of a fictional Protector of the Reef, a goddess meant to symbolize the fierce need to care for our underwater ecosystems.

"I recently visited the Honolulu Museum of Art and was inspired by all these beautiful statues of Vishnu, the Hindu "Protector God," and I loved how fierce his image was, embodying the desire to protect with such intensity. I wanted to design my own "Protector" specifically for the coral reef, so I created a mergirl whose tail is lined with veins of coral and whose four arms carry symbols of recycling and conservation. I wanted the image to express a sense of immediacy and intensity for the issue, given that coral reefs are so direly threatened and at risk of extinction. The characters are an old Chinese adage that says "Burning a city gate kills the fish in the moat," which implies that every action you take has a reaction further down the road.

Coral Reefs are underwater structures forming colonies of tiny living animals (corals) found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. They occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean surface, about half the area of France, yet they provide a home for 25% of all marine species, and they are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.

These corals are under major threat due to climate change, ocean acidification, blast fishing, cyanide fishing for aquarium fish, harvesting for the aquarium trade, overuse of reef resources, and harmful land-use practices, including urban and agricultural runoff and water pollution. General estimates show approximately 10% of the world's coral reefs are dead. About 60% of the world's reefs are at risk due to destructive, human-related activities. By the 2030s, 90% of reefs are expected to be at risk from both human activities and climate change by 2050, all coral reefs will be in danger."


Donate to an organization working to raise awareness and research such as PangeaSeed, Reef Check, Coral Reef Alliance etc.

Advocate global and regional action to protect of coral and coral reefs.

Support the establishment and protection of marine protected areas (MPAs).

Recommend ecotourism and dive or snorkel on coral reefs - but remember to look and DO NOT touch or stand on corals. This offers sustainable monetary alternatives to destructive fishing methods.

Think twice before you buy. Do not support the illegal trade of coral and try to reduce your carbon footprint.

Educate yourself, friend and family on the issues facing coral and other endangered ocean animals. Act NOW if we wish to save our seas.

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