Thanks to everyone that stops by my little corner of the internet every day to see whats happening.
Thanks to DAN23 for the image. He is a great French painter and artist.
Check out his work here
By Alex Pardee.
Limited Edition Of 50.
17" x 22" Printed with Archival Inks on Acid Free Velvet Cotton Rag.
Each print is hand signed and numbered by Alex Pardee.
This is a BRAND NEW Holiday-Inspired colorway of our fastest selling print in history ("Escaped Conviction")
This will only be available for a limited time and this is the ONLY additional colorway that we are releasing.
Bobby from Kitsune Noir announced the first edition of prints from his inaugural Poster Club have gone up for sale. In collaboration with Society 6, he asked five artists to interpret a book they love and turn it into a print. The results range from a chaotic and emotional rendition of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest (by Cody Hoyt) to a classic Mark Weaver work for Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five. Check out four of the five under the cut.
The prints are all up for sale over at Society 6, and range in price from $50.00 — $70.00, depending on size.
"The Winter Stalker" By Stephen Reedy & Alex Pardee from ZerofriendsFilms on Vimeo.
Saturday 19 December 12 - 5pm Jay Ryan exhibition Wombats in the Mist, and signing of his new book Objects in and out of Water this Saturday December 19th 2009 with Jay in the Gallery. The books have arrived and we have all the copies in the UK. Entry is free. | ||
A collection of Jay’s favourite work from 2005-2008, Animals and Objects in and Out of Water is a 144 page book which includes over 100 posters with accompanying text, an introduction by Andrew Bird and an essay by Joe Meno. All in all it’s a pretty cracking volume, and this is your chance to own a signed copy! Not only will you have the opportunity to see this pillar of poster-making in the flesh, but there will also be posters old and new on display, original art work, and a friendly festive atmosphere in which to enjoy it all! Exhibition entry is free & supported by Vitamin Water and Posca Pens |
The mission of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is to defend ocean wildlife worldwide. Shepard did a portrait of founder Paul Watson that will be available as a print on 12/17/09 at Random. The print comes in two different colorway, Light Blue and Dark Blue. Both are Editions of 450, 18 x 24, Signed and Numbered by Shepard and Capt. Paul Waston. $55 each. A portion of the profits will go to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. http://www.seashepherd.org/
Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.
Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
Paul Watson also appears in a fantastic documentary about the illegal slaughter of dolphins called “The Cove”. “The Cove” demonstrates the difficulty of untangling the corrupt relationship between corporate interests and government. Brave people with strong convictions risked a lot to capture the footage shot in Japan. The film has a great appeal in the drama of the mission and the sympathy we feel for the highly intelligent dolphins, but the abuses represented could apply to any number of situations where money and power subdue ethics. I went to the theater opening weekend to see it and there were not many people there. Movies like this are very important and need our support. Please check it out. http://thecovemovie.com/ and http://www.seashepherdartshow.com