Monday, April 1, 2013

King Kong Galerie F Exclusive Print Release John Vogl and more

John Vogl

Justin Van Genderen

Alternate Histories

The April 2013 Galerie F Exclusive Release - Kong's 80th - is set to go live  today. This month the Galerie F artists will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of the premiere of the groundbreaking film "King Kong." Four astounding artists and designers have taken a crack at this iconic ape that has dominated special effects history in film. John Vogl, Alternate Histories, Justin Van Genderen, and Michael Lauritano have created exclusive one-of-a-kind designs, check out a few previews below. The entire series will be available April 1st at 2PM CST only at

"New York 1933" by Justin VanGenderen. $45
"Randolph Street" by Alternate Histories $25
[Untitled] by John Vogl. $30

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