Friday, October 4, 2013

Tonight's Avett Brothers Poster by Todd Slater from Albuquerque

Click to enlarge so you can see all the detail
Since Breaking Bad, when people mention Albuquerque that is the first thing that comes to mind. But after tonight's Avett Brothers concert they may be thinking of something else. Like this insanely beautiful poster by Todd Slater for the show tonight.

The poster is 24 x 18 with an edition of 200 printed on black paper with metallic gold inks and a dark metallic silver and will be on sale of course at the show. According to Todd the metallics just pop in person.
Here is what Todd had to say about the design:

I wanted to make an image about conflict in relationships. The two
bighorns butting heads symbolizes the conflict and the two birds
flying away signify its resolution. Above their heads is an
illustrated version of a Saint-Gaudens double eagle gold coin. It's
an extremely rare coin and is considered by many to be the most
beautiful of the US coins. It's purpose here is draw a parallel
between the rarity and beauty that make up the coin and the couples
own relationship.


  1. blank

    The skulls and roses in the background make this pretty bad ass

  2. blogger_logo_round_35
  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    I'm a huge fan of Todd Slater's work - and have been hoping he would do an Avett show soon. I won't be in NM ... but hope to buy this print as soon as I can figure out how to get one! Love his work.

  4. nesting+avatar

    Join his mailing list or just stay tuned here. I will post when they go on sale
