Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chuck Sperry TRPS Poster Release Details


The Rock Poster Society, Festival of Rock Posters, 2013
22 x 35, Regular Edition of 75, 7 colors on archival cream paper
Signed and Numbered

Chuck Sperry be making a very limited release of this poster and it’s 3 variants on Friday, October 25, 2013 at a random time.

Chuck on this  years TRPS Poster show:

This year The Rock Poster Society, Festival of Rock Posters was amazing! I want to thank everyone who came to join us at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park for a memorable event. A huge thank you to the whole TRPS crew who made such an amazing show possible!

Thanks to everyone from TRPS, Expressobeans, and all my friends and supporters who fought through Friday’s BART Strike traffic to enjoy my Open Studio Party, “Hometown Disadvantage.” The show was a huge success – the line started to form at noon – a first for my humble West Oakland Gallery space! I was completely floored by the response that met me and Chris Shaw at our opening! Thanks to Celine Teo-Blockey who turned out a bunch of people through her great story in the San Francisco Examiner!

The Chris Shaw / Chuck Sperry show, “Hometown Disadvantage” will be up for the rest of the month, open by appointment, I am happy to schedule a meeting. Just send me a note via my contact email above and I will schedule a time to meet.

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