Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cameron Crowe Directed Pearl Jam Music Video “The Fixer”

The video was filmed at Seattle’s Shadowbox Theater, and aside from shooting the performance with green screens on the sides and background, projecting images of the crowd and or band, it’s a pretty typical video. Not that I’m expecting a music video to have a budget now-a-days. Not that I’ve seen a music video on MTV in years… As the music industry continues to struggle, gone are the days of big money big production music videos.

Real Pearl Jam fans were not even allowed in during the filming of the video. All those people in the "crowd" are hired "fans". Pearl Jam finally makes a video after years of refusing to and dont even use their real fans in it, yet they claim to have such a strong connection to their fans. This video will be used by Target for the ad campaign for the new album Backspacer. What would Pearl Jam of 15 years ago think of the hypocritical Pearl Jam of today ?


  1. blank

    Actually the audience was full of folks who are out of work. The audience was paid for their time, so it was a way for the band to put some $$$ in the hands of those who could use it.

  2. nesting+avatar

    That's not what I was told from people that were there. Can you verify that anyway ?

  3. blank

    They were paid stand-ins. 90% DID NOT want ot be there. I was there, and have never been more embarrassed for liking Pearl Jam.....

  4. blank

    Yeah... You might want to check your facts before posting something like this. The people in the video were out of work people from the area. The band was actually trying to help out by "hiring" these people for the day and paying them.

  5. nesting+avatar

    Like I said to the first person, show me proof. Were you there did you talk to any of the people that were the "crowd" in the video? I can back up what I'm saying from first hand accounts. Did you hear the comment made by Ed towards the crowd, Telling them they were paid to clap and cheer?
