Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Todd Slater Guided by Voices and Eisley Posters on sale


17.7 x 22.3 – 4 color silkscreen with split fountain and glow in the dark fireflies – S/N edition of 150 – This imagery came together while listening to the lyrics from Mr. Moon, and the comparison to the sister’s being “brilliant like fire flies”. The print is about a new beginnings. The image deals with some of the themes on the new album, both in the band’s personal and professional lives. The central image is a wedding dress created by a swarm of fireflies symbolizing the fragility of marriage and relationships, and that at anytime they could dissipate/change. Their light, and the tree growing behind the dress are symbols of rebirth and growth.

Guided By Voices

17.6 x 21.4 – 3 color silkscreen with split fountain – S/N edition of 100 – The band are notorious drunks and Todd wanted to link their stage antics to the ‘pink elephants on parade’ scene from the 1941 version of Dumbo. The pink elephants represent a drunken euphemism. Once the band hits the stage, beer will be spilled, hallucinations will happen and with a little luck we’ll all be seeing pink elephants before the show is over. There is an under print of a dark alley beneath the black and pink that serves as an added layer of texture.

Buy them at

1 comment:

  1. blank

    These are awesome. Guided By Voices is coming to Nashville soon on their reunion tour and I want to go so bad! Both are beautiful, great work Todd.
