Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New stuff from Nakatomi

osama-tronFrom Alex at Nakatomi:

Good and Evil.

Here at Nakatomi Print Labs, we’re always trying to improve our set-up. Test the limits of what we can print, and explore the boundaries of screenprinting. One thing we don’t do a lot of is photo-collage work. So, we decided to fire up the ‘ol photoshop and see what we could do.

We printed these as a photo resolution test, but they’re just way too cool not to get out there. Since obviously ZERO thought went into these, we’re selling ‘em cheap. But really, what thought needs to go into DON KNOTTS vs. OSAMA BIN LADEN duking it out on the GAME GRID. We weren’t thinking with our minds…we were thinking with our hearts.

2 prints each measuring 11 3/4″ square.

Only 15 sets available to the public, the rest will be digitized at ENCOM and sent to compete in the games.

Available HERE for $15 per set in the Art Prints section!

moon-boy1This 3 color 6″x24″ print is yours for the taking!

They've got a couple dozen of these laying around, and they’re throwing them in for free w/ every poster order. And again, no purchase needed- you want one, swing on by the print shop, or send a SAST (Self Addressed , Stamped Tube) to Nakatomi HQ, and they’ll send one of these right back to you while supplies last. Just make sure you include enough postage for a 1lb priority mail shipment for it to get back to you!

PLEASE NOTE- They can only ship these freebie posters with other poster orders (unless you send a tube!). If you order a sticker set or a t-shirt pick POSTER shipping, so they can’t get it in there all together in a tube. And SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED TUBE means you HAVE TO INCLUDE RETURN SHIPPING either in the form of cash or postage!

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