Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dabs Myla Blink 182 Santa Barbara Poster On Sale Info & Giveaway

Dabs Myla have an edition of 50 of their Blink-182 Santa Barbara poster that they are proud to be releasing in their online store this Tuesday 8th October at 1:00pm PST.

The posters will be $40 plus shipping. Each poster is 18” x 24” signed and numbered 6 color screen print on white archival paper

Also, for the release they will be including the original sketch that will be randomly sent with one of the orders! DAAMN how cool is that to have a chance at getting the original art used to make this poster ?

Buy it at www.DabsMyla.com


  1. F$#@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did i miss it been checking on it everyday for past couple weeks, n i just saw this =( so bummed


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