Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Widespread Panic & Yeah Yeah Yeahs Posters by Matt Leunig On Sale Now


Matt Leunig has a couple of good looking posters up on sale for a couple of recent concerts for Widespread Panic in Milwaukee and Yeah Yeah Yeahs in Brooklyn.

First up is the Yeah Yeah Yeahs Poster, Matt on the design:

It has been a couple years since I last worked with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but I pleased to get the call to work on a print for their big show this week at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn. They just released their latest album Mosquito and wanted to continue to riff on the insect theme for the visuals for this print. I tested a couple different concepts of mosquitoes attacking New York but kept going back to the mosquito atop the Empire State Building as a strong image, literally feeding on the life blood of the city.
Barclay Center - Brooklyn, NY
September 19, 2013
18' x 24', ..5-color
200 print run... 50 signed/AP's available.

Buy it HERE

Riverside Theater - Milwaukee, WI
September 26-28th, 2013
18' x 24', ..5-color
620 print run... 50 signed/AP's available

Matt on the idea behind the design:

This past weekend was the big 3-day Widespread Panic show in Milwaukee and I had the privilege of being asked to do a print for it. The last time I did a Panic Milwaukee print was waaaaay back in 2008,… back when Sarah Palin made the scene, Britney Spears had a shaved head and Breaking Bad was just a rookie.
Like last time, the show fell on the local Oktoberfest in the most beer-friendly city in America so it was only natural to go for the old beer label look when designing the print. I looked at a bunch of old classic beer ads and packaging from the 1920′s & 30′s,.. and of course had to include the Badger reference. It isn’t as trippy or cosmic as I would usually do but for this stop it made sense…. something taste good, feel good.

Buy it HERE


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Where can I find a picture of the 2014 poster Lincoln Nebraska show ahead of time?

  2. nesting+avatar

    WSP sometimes will post a pic on their Facebook page the day of the show.
