Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Rush Moving Pictures Poster By Miles Tsang Release

Moving Pictures was Rush's musical masterpiece and became the most popular album they ever released, and Collectionzz is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the iconic album with official prints by Toronto's own Miles Tsang!

RUSH are kings of the classic rock genre, the greatest power trio in Canadian music, and one the crown jewels of rock and roll history. Composed of genius lyricist and percussionist Neil Peart, legendary guitarist Alex Lifeson, and the inimitable vocalist and bassist Geddy Lee, their recordings and performances encompass decades of material and have influenced generations of fans and fellow musicians alike the world over. As such, it was an incredible honour to be tasked with creating a commemorative work to celebrate the 40th anniversary of one of the group’s most celebrated creations and one of progressive rock’s most vaunted albums: Moving Pictures. The intent was to portray the band and their vision as dynamic, iconic and possessed of intricate craft and vitality, so the piece is set it within the record’s compositional template for immediate recognizably and packed full of various characters, concepts and visual nods hailing from RUSH’s first eight albums. Stylized swirls of multi-coloured psychedelic clouds billow and flow throughout the space, inter-connecting the band with every figure and reference in a chaotic yet balanced collage inspired by their irreverent and surreal covers, particularly the live album ‘Exit…Stage Left’ which was recorded in the same year of Moving Pictures’ release (1981). It’s my hope that the image honours the transcendent creative spirit, influence, and legacy that RUSH’s music represents while embodying something fans young and old can draw appreciation, inspiration and meaning from. - Miles Tsang

Main Edition - $75.00
Size: 18" x 24"
Edition Size: 212
Paper: French Cougar Natural
Five Color Screenprint
Hand Numbered
Holographic sticker on back of print for authenticity

Limelight Variant - $150.00
Size: 18" x 24"
Edition Size: 81
Paper: French Cream Stock
Six Color Screenprint with Glow in Dark Inks
Hand Numbered
Holographic sticker on back of print for authenticity

Country Place Edition - $400.00
Size: 18.5" x 24.5"
Edition Size: 40
Wood Veneer Panel in Hand Welded Metal Frame (includes all hardware)
One Color Screenprint
Hand Numbered

On sale Wednesday March 10 at

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