Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aaron Horkey Jurassic Park Mondo Mystery Movie poster

Jurassic-Park-Aaron-Horkey+blueBlue Variant image from Ben LaFond

Well now the Drafthouse and Mondotees are back with Mystery Movie #2, and as with the first film, tickets for this unknown film and poster sold out within a minute. And while while we wish we could teleport everyone to this very special screening, we can do the next best thing: tell you what it is and show you the poster.

This is the first in Mondo's new series of licensed Jurassic Park posters. That's right, Jurassic Park is joining the likes of Star Wars and Star Trek as one of the shop's most cherished art series and this striking poster by Aaron Horkey is the first in this new line.

Printing info from Ben LaFond who printed it 10 colors. 5 split fountains. 2 metallics. Invisible split on plate 9. 2 color schemes. 21"x 39". Regular edition is 220 and the variant 75

If any wants to trade or sell me theirs shoot me an email insidetherockposterframe )(

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