Thursday, August 18, 2011

Art in the streets Temporally Bound (Three Gorgons): An installation by Chris Shaw & Chuck Sperry


This is just an incredible display of work by Chuck Sperry and Chris Shaw.

June 2012
Acrylic on 3 sec­tions of 6 artic­u­lated hard-panels.
Each sec­tion mea­sures 6’8″ x 12′ installed. (6’8″ h x 18′ flat.)

Chris Shaw and Chuck Sperry have been close friends for many years, but have only worked in tan­dem cre­at­ing art on a hand­ful of occa­sions. Both artists have both incor­po­rated and appro­pri­ated con­cepts and imagery from a myr­iad of sources in their designs for Rock Posters and paintings.

“Tem­po­rally Bound” marks this col­lab­o­ra­tion by the two artists not only as an event, but also in the form and sub­ject of the art­work. The work’s form is derived from an asian “accor­dion” book, while the sub­ject, “Three Gor­gons” reflects the artists’ west­ern influ­ences. The free inter­twin­ing of East­ern and West­ern ref­er­ences is not only evoca­tive of the mod­ern tech­no­log­i­cal world, but also of San Fran­cisco, a cul­tural melt­ing pot on the Pacific Rim.

To see more pictures and a video of how they did it go to

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