Sunday, April 29, 2018

Zeb Love Reefer Madness Movie Poster


Reefer Madness is a 1936 American propaganda movie revolving around the melodramatic events that ensue when high school students are lured to try marijuana. The movie takes the characters down dark paths and includes manslaughter,suicide, attempted rape, hallucinations, and a general descent into madness caused by marijuana addiction.

The movie was originally named Tell Your Children and financed by a church group. The intent was to show the movie to parents as a morality tale attempting to teach them about the dangers of marijuana use. Eventually the film was purchased by a distributor and re-cut for the exploitation film circuit and named Reefer Madness!

Zeb Love designed the posters of which there are 4 different ones.

This is a limited edition screenprint. 18x24" - 4 Colors - Signed/Numbered


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