Thursday, May 20, 2021

Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill Poster By Fajar Allanda



Released 25 years ago on May 7, 1996, The Great Southern Trendkill was Pantera’s re-dedication of purpose to thrash metal, at a time radio and MTV were endorsing friendlier styles of alternative metal.

By the time they set out to make Trendkill in late ’95, Pantera were one of the lone remaining thrash-era metal acts that were still selling a lot of records (1994’s Far Beyond Driven debuted at Number One on the Billboard album chart). More crucially, they were one of the only ones doing so without diluting their sound. In fact, while Pantera were growing more successful by getting heavier with each record, most of Pantera’s peers had hit steep career drop-offs and were struggling to remain visible. Perhaps it’s understandable that they felt like the world was closing in on them.

To a large extent, Pantera lashed out, as did Anselmo, but for entirely different reasons. As a result, Trendkill writhes and rails with desperation and self-loathing and roars with intensity, making it the heaviest album Pantera ever released. It also has one of the boldest album cover designs in their history, featuring the apex predator, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.

To create this, Collectionzz asked the extremely talented Fajar Allanda to work his magic - and he did! There are two editions available, a Main Edition of 225 that measures 24x18, and a XL Cotton Rag with Deckled Edge Edition measuring 22x28 and limited to just 25 copies.

Available now in the Iconic Collectionzz Store !

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