Thursday, November 19, 2009


GREMLINS-ALAMO-POSTERFINALPREVIE-2Poster by Rhys Cooper. 24×36 Printed with metallic and glow in the dark inks. The “rules” to owning a mogwai are printed in glow ink and appear in the dark. Limited to only 100.

alien2This was Ken’s first version he came up with for his ALIEN poster, but ended up submitting the equally awesome “Egg” image. We thought this version was too nuts not to print!

Poster by Ken Taylor. 24×36 Limited to only 80 and even less for sale.

Mondo+kevin+tongYes…this is an art print Kevin Tong put together of various people and movie characters watching a movie in the Alamo Drafthouse. You’re all smart…do I really have to tell you what they’re watching? Kevin will also have these available with a blank screen where he will hand draw a movie scene in.

From Gallery1988:

I couldn't be more excited to announce this one-night event here at G1988:LA. You've seen the incredible posters and t-shirts they sell over at before - I know I have a few of those posters hanging in my place - and now you can see them in person here in LA. The show will be a literal cinema-inspired art explosion with cult movie t-shirts and exclusive, rare and already sold out posters from Texas based Mondo's history! Which is nuts. I already know the new movie posters we'll be selling exclusively - and they are insane! We'll have some some awesome in-gallery events which includes artist Skinner doing custom-painted art prints, Kevin Tong creating customized hand-drawn movie prints and Harry Diaz live screenprinting custom movie merchandise. If you're a film lover, and are obsessed with with Mondo has done in the past, you can not miss this event. ALSO, when will you have the chance to buy posters from their sold-out archive again?

Stop by Friday night, Nov. 20th from 7-10 PM....

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