Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Novos Production Print Package 7 Artists 7 incredible posters


Novos (read about the movie HERE) currently finds itself in a Catch-22: they’ve assembled a fantastic roster of artists to produce promotional prints for fundraising purposes, but most of those prints won't be ready for release until after the film shoots at the end of July; and they need a large portion of the funds from these prints to shoot the film at the high level of quality planned.

So what’s the solution? The Novos Production Print Package! Seven fantastic artists have agreed to let them pre-sell original screenprints they will be producing for Novos. Those artists are:

* JC Richard
* Guy Burwell
* David O’Daniel
* Martin Ansin
* Chuck Sperry
* Eelus
* Jay Shaw*

Every one of those artists will produce an original art print inspired by the themes and imagery of Novos. You don’t want 7 movie posters, you say? Fear not! Most of them will be prints that you can enjoy even if you have no idea what Novos is. Except one — one will definitely be a movie poster (and if you know these artists’ work, you’ll probably be able to figure out which one that is).

In addition to receiving the 1st edition of each print produced by these artists, package purchasers will get other perks. Novos likes print variants around there, and several of these artists are well known for producing awesome variants. If you purchase a print package, you’ll be given first-dibs on any variants released (so far Jay Shaw and Eelus have both agreed to make variants, and they’re in discussions with the other artists about them). This wont guarantee package purchasers each variant, but will initially restrict the pool of potential buyers to those individuals. The same will hold true for any prints from artists not included in the above list. They have tentative agreements from a couple of fantastic artists who preferred to not be included in the package. Production Print Package buyers will also get discounts on any and all prints released outside the package, including variants.

The prints from the listed artists will be released over a span of multiple months between now and November, with the goal being to release about one per month. The first print is planned for release near the end of June. Should, for whatever reason, an artist on the list not be able to make a print for Novos, each package buyer will be allowed a refund of the amount the estimated print was worth within the package (though they seriously doubt this’ll happen).

The Novos Production Print Package will go on-sale today, June 15th, at 8:30am PST over at the Novos Store for $400 ($450 for international buyers). All shipping is included in that price. 50 will be available; that will help Novos get to the fundraising level necessary to get this film through principal photography comfortably. The picture above is not one of the art prints, it is part of a storyboard for the film.

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