Friday, August 2, 2013

Ben Horton As The Crow Flies Print Release




1xRUN welcomes artist Ben Horton to their roster of fine artist with a print release this Saturday.

"I originally created this piece for a show in Oceanside, California called Landline. The show was loosely based on the pros and cons of communication between people in today’s society, one of the pros being the way some people get straight to the point during a conversation. Likewise, crows have the freedom to fly from point A to B, without being forced to take needless twists and turns. The background is a mixture of 1950’s and 60’s automobile ads and car part blueprints representing the seemingly endless twists and turns we are forced to take while driving from point A to B. But a car can also represent a type of freedom as well: being able to go wherever you want whenever you want. The fence is a representation of boundaries that take away our freedom." - Ben Horton

As The Crow Flies is a 16 x 20 Inches Archival Pigment Print on 310gsm Fine Art Paper with a signed & numbered edition of 40

On sale Saturday August 3 at NOON EDT at

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