Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pearl Jam Auckland New Zealand Big Day Out Poster by TrustoCorp



Pearl Jam is kicking off their Australia and New Zealand Big Day Out Festival tour tonight in Auckland and the urban artists TrustoCorp did the poster for the show. Tickets still remain for all the dates.


  1. blank

    As a woman, this poster disgusts me. Pearl Jam should be ashamed. Depicting a woman in a degrading, sexual, hateful way seems to me an all time low. So much for the old Pearl Jam - proclaiming to be Feminists. More like frat boys now. I think I'll send a picture of this to Gloria Steinem and see what she has to say. Shame on you Pearl Jam.

  2. nesting+avatar

    Are you familiar with the expression "art is subjective" ? Having spent time with TrustoCorp I can without a doubt tell you showing a woman in what you call a degrading depiction was not the intent. Do you know about Trusto's work ? If anything it's social commentary on how women are shown in the world of advertising and therefore they are mocking it.

  3. blank

    I disagree. The image is filled with hate. "Mocking how women are shown in advertising?" So he decides to degrade the woman even further by showing her giving fellatio in front of a "money in one minute" sign? There is nothing "subjective" about it. Once again, a man, in a man's world, expresses his vile issues toward women in a derogatory manner. Again, shame on TrustoCorp and shame on Pearl Jam. I can without a doubt assure you, that no matter the intent, this image only serves as ammunition for the patriarchy. NO woman that considers herself a feminist would be anything but appalled by this image. Read the message boards. Its a bunch of guys saying check that out... "she can Pearl my Jam" etc.... Nice job TrustoCorp on adding to all the dominating hatred out there toward women!

  4. nesting+avatar

    You disagree that's good, that is why art is subjective. Do you know any of the history behind all the art work Trusto has done ? Let me quote Trusto "TrustoCorp targets areas in the public domain reserved for messages of trust and authority and subverts them with sarcasm and satire." Perhaps by putting these images on the poster the intent was to start a discussion about how women are portrayed in the media and advertising which would lead to a changing of the way they are shown.

  5. nesting+avatar

    You need to take off your blinders so you can see whole things and not just small parts of stuff. You do see this is bust of Abe Lincoln right ? This piece was originally called Floundering Fathers. In your criticism you are only picking apart what fits your narrative, please looking up the definition of sarcasm and educate yourself on the history of Trusto and what they have done. HIS INTENTIONS were not to degrade women why is that so hard to understand ? Because it does not fit within your narrow view ? You know what disgusts me, that honey boo boo shit. That is far more disgusting to women and children then almost anything on besides what mtv spews out.

  6. blank

    I don't know what 'A Real Feminist' is saying... I see a woman playing an invisible trumpet.

  7. blank

    I think that some are so indoctrinated in our misogynistic culture that even when they think they are being astute or satirical they miss by far. In our culture and around the world, women are placed in subordinate positions with limited access to power and decision making. Showing a woman in front of "money in one minute" and "loans" giving fellatio - depicts a woman in a subordinate position. A woman trying to survive in a male dominated society - that's not satire - that's reality.

  8. blank

    Well, Miss "Feminist," I think its about time you realize how foolish you've made yourself look, and more importantly, leave. I came to this page to look at a poster I like. I examined it, and didn't even see the woman that is, in your view (and yours alone), the focus and intention of the piece. You have lost all of your credibility a few times over, especially with the facts that you believe oral sex to be, by definition, an act of subordination and that you believe the poster conveys hate. I believe it is time for you to give your martyr complex a break, put your dictionary away, and just give it up. ITRPF has been more than generous in even giving your comments any attention.
    If you intend to continue to look for attention this way, may I direct you to a site that I found just for you?: ( This way, this great blog can get back to what it is intended to be, a central source for information on posters, shows, and artists, and everyone else can get back to doing what they came here to do - ENJOY ART.

    1. blank

      Your diatribe supports my posts perfectly. Thank you.

  9. nesting+avatar

    I like discussing art and the comments should be used for that as well. Someone that does not understand what Trusto is all about I like to be able to explain it to them.
