Friday, February 14, 2020

Todd Slater Dark Crystal Movie Poster



Todd Slater is back with a good one today. Last year at Mondocon they debuted his Dark Crystal print and now you can get one.

 It's a big one at 18x36 inches and features lots of pretty under printing and painterly textures.

Todd on the design
Dark Crystal was one of the first children's movies to really scare me. There's something about the puppetry and the terror of the Skeksis that felt palpable, visceral and real. For me, Henson's imagination is unparalleled and his films (Labyrinth and Dark Crystal) have stood the test of time as my favorites from childhood along with Star Wars and Neverending Story. The art took about a month and half to draw over January and February of 2019. It's difficult to photograph but I'm really starting to push the boundaries of under printing and painterly textures in the color separations.
On sale now at

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