Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dirtypilot Presents Canadian Graffiti - Art Child & SKAM

Canadian Graffiti Artists Skam and Art Child have been two of Toronto's most prolific writers.
Art Child has been lacing the streets of Toronto with his fresh burners and character pieces for over a decade. His characters often have sexual undertones and take form as strong, confident women. He takes his artistic inspiration from hip hop, comic books, fine ladies, and his crew. AC is one of the founding members of Canada’s HSA crew and is recognized across the world for his mural and comic work.
Skam is easily one of Toronto’s most renowned graffiti artists and is recognized for his aerosol skills internationally by his graffiti contemporaries. For over 10 years his murals have been gracing the streets of Toronto and have been featured in numerous publications, music videos, and blockbuster movies. Never compromising his style, Skam’s paintings bring a crisp, tightly executed, vibrant addition to the urban landscape. Check them out now through- Feb 15.

Head over to

to purchase something

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