Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Art of John Alvin Book Giveaway





Today's giveaway is a beautiful book The Art of John Alvin, celebrating the work of the iconic artist who painted movie posters for over 130 films, including Jurassic Park, Blade Runner, The Lion King and E.T.

John Alvin’s movie poster art is among the most iconic of the last 40 years, from Disney films such as Beauty and the Beast and Pinocchio, to Empire of the Sun, Gremlins, Blazing Saddles, Predator, and Star Wars 30th anniversary posters. This book not only collects some of Alvin’s finest work, but also includes previously unseen comprehensives and in progress sketches. Along with packaging for VHS releases.

John Alvin was an American movie artist who painted movie poster art for over 130 films, including E.T., Blade Runner, The Lion King, The Princess Bride and Jurassic Park, as well as the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He also produced work for Disney Fine Art (Disney character official portraits)

Andrea Alvin is John’s widow, and as an experienced graphic designer, also worked with him in his studio. Andrea Alvin has contributed substantially to the creation of ad campaigns for such movies as: Batman Returns and Batman Forever for Warner Bros., and Pinocchio, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules and The Little Mermaid for Disney Studios.

The book is 160 pages of full color work and it is spectacular. 

Now go to the top of the post above the picture and click on comments or scroll down (depends on how you see this post) to leave a comment about what your favorite movie is ever. Don't worry if your comment does not appear immediately I have to approve them before they are published. I will use the Random Number Generator to pick a winner. Entries are limited to ONE PER PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD. Please leave your name with the comment, comments without names will not be accepted. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 PM PDT Wednesday December 23 and the winner will be announced later on Thursday.

Order the book on Amazon if you dont want to wait and try to win it. 


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    A clockwork orange by Stanley kubrick
    Alex pena
    Thank you

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    Any Batman movie. John F.

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    Gosh that's hard, like picking a favorite band, artist or song, but gun to my head would have to go with The Shawshank Redemption. Its got everything, including horse apples!

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    A.I is my favorite movie ever. Darious f

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    Tough to choose... I might have to go with Jacob's Ladder.

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    Fave is Repo Man. Saw it on VHS when it had just come out and was my first rental movie (from Blockbuster of course!)

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    E.T for sure. That's printed on my
    Francisco C.

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    Pee_wee's Big Adventure is my flick. Michael P.F

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    Pride & Prejudice


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    Dazed & Confused

    Anthony C

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    Cool Hand Luke is my favorite movie.It might not be the movie I think is the best movie,but I just love the message and has influenced how I live my life.AS far as John's work,watched Gremlins the other day,never knew Mike from Breaking Bad was in it,funny,he plays the goofy deputy. Thomas

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    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. Hands down my favorite. Amanda Panda

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    too many to choose from so I will stick with Christmas theme and Christmas Vacation

    Gary H

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    At the moment, The Shinning.

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    Gone with the wind

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    Ummm, hard to pick but I'm a big fan of The Third Man, but as far as the 70s and 80s go, Phantom of the Paradise, Blade Runner and Blue Velvet spring immediately to mind.

    Glenn K

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