Friday, April 3, 2020

Free Ocean Educational Creative Guide for Students Learning at Home



Nationwide school closures are impacting over 80% of the world’s student population with several other countries having implemented localized closures impacting millions of additional learners. These disruptions to our children's education will continue for the foreseeable future.

In response, PangeaSeed just released the first volume of the Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans Creative Coloring Companion today. They reached out to some of their Sea Walls alumni ARTivists to help them create an educational tool to keep those curious minds learning creatively.

Over the coming weeks, PangeaSeed will continue publishing new volumes of these coloring companions, each featuring five original coloring pages accompanied by information on marine environmental issues, action steps, and an artist statement.

Here is the link to access and download Volume One - PangeaSeed will be adding future volumes to this landing page:

From warming seas to plastic pollution, our oceans will continue to need our help long after this pandemic passes, so we want you and your family to be inspired and engaged.

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