Friday, April 17, 2020

PangeaSeed A Stay-At-Home Mural Festival for Our Planet


Hope you are doing well and staying safe during these challenging times. PangeaSeed are staying busy on their end producing content to keep students, parents, educators, and artists engaged and inspired while learning and creating from home.

With that in mind, they are excited to share with you that they just launched "HOME", a new stay-at-home mural project celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 21-26), and the first mural project of its kind in the face of COVID-19.

The artist registration opened yesterday and they've already had over 200 artists from around the world sign up to paint stay-at-home murals while sheltering in place and following local social distancing guidelines.

PangeaSeed are really excited to see this pioneering project come to life and the works that develop from it. If interested, they'd love to have you participate as a supporting artist and help us share "HOME" with your artist communities. If possible, we're asking all registered artists to share the project and nominate at least five fellow artists to participate in HOME as well. The more creatives that participate and share, the louder and further we can send this important message to the world.

Below are links to access the "HOME" landing page, promo assets, and artist handbook.

Landing Page:
Promo Assets:
Artist Handbook:

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