Thursday, March 25, 2010

ALEX PARDEE x ZEROFRIENDS x VANNEN Super Limited Wristwatch & Print revealed

v-box3The packaging, individually hand-splattered by his…well…hand, i guess.

VannenPrint1The secret print that will be included when you purchase the watch. It's a blue variant of his "Escaped Conviction" piece, only it's limited to only 40 prints, and is a little smaller than the previous editions (it measures 17" x 11"). The only way you can get this is to buy the limited watch.

Saturday, March 27th at 11am ZeroFriends and Vannen Watches bring you a new limited edition Alex Pardee wristwatch available only at the ZeroFriends boutique in NYC. Only 40 of these watches exist in the entire world and come in never before seen packaging that's signed, numbered and customized with splatters and magic by Alex. No two pieces of packaging are the same! Plus as an extra bonus - each watch also comes with a limited edition, 11" x 17" signed and numbered secret (see above for secret revealed) print. And for those of you not in the NYC area - and if the watch doesn't sell out - you can find it online Monday, March 29th only at The cost of the watch will be $125.00

ZeroFriends NYC
437 E. 9th St.
New York, NY 10009

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