Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First 7 inch release from Valley King Records- Sweet Apple

The first release on Valley King Records is now available for pre-order! It’s also the first single by Sweet Apple – a new band consisting of members of Dinosaur Jr, Cobra Verde, Witch, and Guided By Voices. Each 7″ will come with a silkscreened cover that is signed and numbered by artist Alan Forbes. Included with each record will be a silkscreened mini art print based on the cover art. This is a very limited pressing and won’t be repressed, so be sure to order yours today!

J Mascis – lead guitar / drums / vocals
John Petkovik – guitar / vocals
Tim Parnin – guitar
Dave Sweetapple – bass / vocals

All pre-orders will come with a silkscreened handbill of the Dinosaur Jr Calgary or San Francisco 2009 posters, or 2009 Fog Rising poster. Please contact if you have a preference.

Band: Sweet Apple
Format: 7″
Songs: Do You Remember b/w Crawling Over Bodies
Edition: 500 on black vinyl; 50 on clear vinyl
Artwork: Alan Forbes
Other info: signed / numbered by Alan Forbes.

Buy it at SecretSerpentsStore.com


  1. vpro

    Are you sure this isn't Anville/Justin Anderson?
    This could be from him.

  2. nesting+avatar

    Being it came straight from the record company, I know it is Alan Forbes


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