The following was copied from the Invisible Oranges website :
If you read this site, you’ve probably partaken of Stephen Kasner’s work. He has done album covers, artwork, and posters for Integrity, Sunn O))), Isis, Justin Broadrick, Runhild Gammelsæter, Khlyst, Darsombra, Suma, and many more. His haunting style is unmistakable. I have spent much time gazing at his work. Here is an interview I did with him, in which he discusses specific pieces that he’s done. Below are some of my favorite works of his.
Now Stephen needs your help. He is extremely private, so circumstances must be dire for him to reach out like this. Out of privacy considerations, he asked that his medical condition not be named. Below is his statement.
Stephen Kasner has recently been diagnosed with some serious medical issues. Like many artists who lack the benefit of medical insurance, he pushed the situation aside until it became unavoidable. Emergency care has been initiated, but he is not out of the woods yet, and his continued care is extremely necessary – hence this call for aid to friends, admirers of his art, and comrades alike.
There are two ways to help.
1. The first is a direct donation by PayPal to kasner@stephenkasner.com. Times are tough, so no amount is too small. If 1,000 people give $5 each, that goes a long way. Depending on his health, Kasner will do drawings/sketches for all who donate.
2. The second is to purchase merch from Kasner. He has two stores, a main one and one for his Blood Fountains musical project. You can buy books, album art prints, CD’s, silkscreens, posters, and more. They make great gifts for this holiday season.
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All people who email me (invisibleoranges at gmail dot com) a screenshot of their donation to or purchase from Kasner will be entered in a random drawing for a hardback edition of Stephen Kasner’s career retrospective book WORKS: 1993-2006. 160 pages, foreword by Dwid Hellion – it’s a beautiful thing. (See details here). Kasner will autograph the book and sketch a one-of-a-kind drawing on the inside cover. International entrants are welcome. Please email me all screenshots by a week from today, midnight PST, Friday, December 17.
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Black Sleep of Kali have graciously donated 5 t-shirt/CD packages to this cause. All donations to and purchases from Kasner above $20 will be entered in a random drawing for these packages. (We reviewed their CD here.) International entrants are welcome. The entry protocol is the same as with the above book giveaway – email me screenshots of your donations and purchases by midnight PST this Friday.
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Please help soon, as Kasner is undergoing emergency care at this very moment. And please spread the word. One of the great artists of our time needs our help.
Just a heads up that Clem99 over at EB is doing a very kind deed and has started several auction sales w/ 100% of the proceeds going to Stephen. Links below . . .
posted an original US 1sheet for Pulp Fiction on EB. 100% of sale goes to Stephen
To the person that sent a comment about Stephens condition please email me. I need some way to verify what you said
ReplyDeleteI’ve purchased Blood Fountains CD but I received nothing since last year. So, I assume that I have been ripped off too.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any current news about his illness or about him personally?