The artwork for this poster is large, at 18x24, and is almost the same size as the finished poster, which measures in at a hefty 22.75"x29.5". After days of hunkering over the drafting table with pencil, pen, ink, and brush, Frank was able to scan this drawing in 8 parts and recombine it to create his final composition. With a few last minute changes called in by The Director Frank was scrambling, but finally ready to print. This baby is printed with custom colors, mixing up a bright Candy-Apple Red and a shimmering yellow-gold to lay down underneath a supple, petroleous black.
The subject of the composition is a lone man in black slinging a guitar off of a bus in a faceless town. If you listen to the new Social D, Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, and look for clues, the town's name can be determined.
Frank went to both shows as well and they were excellent. Mike's band is rockin' and everyone sounded tight. Mike was joined at times by an accordion, as well as two female backup vocalists, one of which, Ijoma, is the lady behind the pipes on the track Hustle and Flow. he was most impressed, however, with the intensity of the mosh pit. It seems everyone came out excited for Social D and remembering the viscerality of participating in a show with bang of body, and check of shoulder. It was good to see so many people moving around, as opposed to just watching with their plastic cups, as seems to be the case more and more often with these aging rockers.
The posters in the paper edition number 150 and Frank has an extremely Limited edition of 3 of these printed on birch plywood. The paper poster is $30 shipping included, or $20 if you can meet him in San Francisco for a face to face exchange. The wood prints will go for $75 and shipping will be added in if it is necessary.
Shoot Frank an email effzio>at
I need this poster, I collect numbered silk screens of social d, and this poster is exquisite. Do you have one still available?