Monday, August 27, 2012

Rich Kelly Breaking Bad and The Black Keys Posters, plus some Distant Winter prints on sale details





Rich Kelly will be putting some new posters in his online store tomorrow (that's Tuesday, August 28, 2012) at 11:00 am EST.

Details from Rich Kelly:

First up is the Breaking Bad themed print that  created in collaboration with Gallery 1988 and AMC. I chose the season 4 episode, Salud, as a jumping off point, giving the viewer a unique perspective rather than taking a screen shot from the episode. Jesse, Mike and Gus taking care of business the only way they know how.

Next we have the recent gig poster I've completed for The Black Keys at the O2 Arena in Dublin, Ireland. Taking inspiration from one of Dublin's most visited residents, The Book of Kells, I created an (some might say blasphemous) image of Dan and Pat that hopefully gets away from your typical "portrait of the band" poster. Some metallic gold inks really make it sharp (if I do say so myself.)

Also I will have a very small amount of prints from the Distant Winter show at the Phone Booth Gallery. One, a portrait of Amelia Earhart, with the other portraying the daring ascent of Mt. Everest by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.

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