Friday, March 8, 2013

Matt Leunig Free Friday Poster Giveaway Featuring Raising Arizona


I have seen a lot of movies, I hate to admit it but I have not seen Raising Arizona. So I have nothing to say about the movie. But when I was talking with Matt Leunig about doing a giveaway for the blog I saw this poster and I really liked it and thought your fine folks would as well.

Matt did the poster for Spoke Art's first Quentin v. Coen Bros Group Show back in 2011. The Raising Arizona poster is a 4-color screenprint, 18′ x 24′ inches.

 Now go to the top of the post above the picture and click on comments or scroll down (depends on how you see this post) to leave a comment about the movie so I can learn something about it to have a chance at winning the print. Don't worry if your comment does not appear immediately I have to approve them before they are published. I will use the random number generator to pick a winner. Entries are limited to ONE PER PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD. Please leave your name with the comment, comments without names will not be accepted. Entries will be accepted until 1 AM PDT Saturday March 9 that's almost two days to enter with the winner announced on Sunday. I extended the entry since Daylight Savings goes into effect Saturday night DON'T FORGET

Huge thank you to Matt Leunig for the providing the poster for the giveaway. Be sure to check out his website and see his new Woody Allen print he just released.


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Kevin Costner turned down the lead role!

    Gimme Gimme!

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    "Boy, you got a panty on your head" - that should entice you to check it out. One of the best movies ever, and back when Nic Cage made good movies.


    Scott Bergman

  3. blank

    I must have watched this 100 times and it never gets old. This print is classic and falls in line great with the film.

  4. blank

    The Coen's trademark sense of comedy is on display on this film, in that period of time where Nick Cage wasn't a complete joke. It 's a great looking film and a great example of some masters of their form hitting their stride.

  5. blank

    We released ourselves on our own recognizance.

    Chris S

  6. blank

    I love this poster SOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!

    jeff m.
    moonduckie78 @ gmail

  7. blank

    Great Coen Bros film!

    Ian Sweiger, UK

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    It's a great movie, kind of cheesy and low budget. But, it's a good one.

  9. blank

    Matt rulez! DC REPRESENT! My favorite piece is the the DC Brau Growler design!

  10. blogger_logo_round_35
  11. blank

    "huah- We got us a family here!"
    LOVE this movie- I could watch it over and over.

  12. beasties

    One of my favorite movies of all time.

    Gale: All right, ya hayseeds, it's a stick-up. Everybody freeze. Everybody down on the ground.
    Feisty Hayseed: Well, which is it, young feller? You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? Mean to say, if'n I freeze, I can't rightly drop. And if'n I drop, I'm a-gonna be in motion. You see...
    Gale: Shut up!
    Feisty Hayseed: Okay then.
    Gale: Everybody down on the ground!
    Evelle: Y'all can just forget that part about freezin' now.
    Gale: Better still to get down there.
    Evelle: Yeah, y'all hear that, don't ya?
    [Everybody lays down. Gale looks at the now-empty teller windows]
    Gale: Shit! Where'd all the tellers go?
    Teller's voices: We're down here, sir.
    Evelle: They're on the floor as you commanded, Gale.

    Thanks! MikeC T

  13. blank

    A grenade is a very efficient way of controlling the rabbit population... Thanks!

    Chad M

  14. blank

    Nic Cage's finest film! got a panty on your head.


  15. blogger_logo_round_35

    From start to finish it delivers. Not much else to say, watch and soak up the awesome.

    Mike T-

  16. blank

    ..."He was especially hard on the little creatures." Great movie, great poster. THANX ~ John H

  17. blank

    not seen it in years...time to track it down and have a watch me thinks.
    great poster and a great friday givaway.

    Dale miles

  18. blank

    Did you have your diptet yet? You gotta hae your diptet else you develop night vision and lock jaw!

    - Jason Wiseman

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    nice work. great movie. One of the few movies my mother and I both love!

    Todd M.

  20. blank

    this is in my netflix list to watch!

    jeremy vousboukis

  21. blank

    Cool poster! I would love to give it a happy home! Greg W

  22. blank

    [an old convict and H.I. lying on their prison bunks, passing the time]
    Ear-Bending Cellmate: ...and when there was no meat, we ate fowl and when there was no fowl, we ate crawdad and when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand.
    H.I.: You ate what?
    Ear-Bending Cellmate: We ate sand.
    H.I.: You ate SAND?
    Ear-Bending Cellmate: That's right.

    Goddamnit, I love this movie so much.
    -Kevin Awakuni,

  23. blank

    It has John Goodman in it. Nuff said

  24. blank

    Not my favorite Coen Brothers movie,but still an awesome movie and more along the line,in terms of the type of comedies I enjoy.Thanks,Thomas

  25. blank

    "Son -- You got a panty on your head."

  26. blank

    need to see this movie again.going to check out the now
    Al Petro

  27. blank

    I have never seen it either, but I stole this from IMDB: Fifteen babies played the Arizona quintuplets in the film. One of the babies was fired during production when he learned to walk.

  28. pumpkin

    Early Coen Brothers showing their unique sense of humor in this movie. It's pretty good. I wrote a review of it a while ago if you want to check it out!/2012/09/raising-arizona1987.html

    Thanks for the chance to win

    Benjamin Jensen

  29. blank

    wow, been about 15 years since ive seen it all i can say it is a classic and i need to watch it again asap!
    rich morsa

  30. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love Raising Arizona! Bounty Hunter fight scene is one of my favorite funny fight scenes ever filmed!

    Pineapple Tangaroa
    piercerpineapple AT gmail DOT com

  31. blank

    Nice! Just got my matt leunig eric churc, regina, sk print in the mail on tuesday. Awesome stuff!

    -Tim Vosberg

  32. blank
    Colin (thecombine AT 8, 2013 at 7:37:00 PM EST

    You gotta watch this movie man.
    I was just checking out Matt's sit yesterday.
    He's got some good stuff on there.

  33. blank

    First, that's to Matt for doing this. Very cool.

    Next, "you're young and you got your health, what you want with a job?"


  34. blogger_logo_round_35

    Just watched again for the first time in years. The motorcyclist of the apocalypse.
    Joseph Rose

  35. blank

    "Name's Smalls. Leonard
    Smalls. My friends call me Lenny... only I
    ain't got no friends."

    Brandon G

  36. blank

    "Rollie! You take that diaper off your head and you put it back on your sister!"

    (There are so many great quotes from this movie ... a must see cult classic.)

    Tim V.

  37. blank

    never seen the movie but I have a copy and its in the queue to watch, may have to bump it up and watch it sooner than later

    Andy R

  38. blogger_logo_round_35
  39. Image046

    "...i'll take these Huggies here and,,whatever cash you have in the drawer. And hurry it up will ya', the wife's getting a little hot."
    Lance Morris

  40. blank
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    No comment here.


  42. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nobody puts The Cage in a corner!

    - Justin E.

  43. blogger_logo_round_35
  44. blank

    love it

    Jord Jansen
