Friday, March 22, 2013

Drive Original Soundtrack featuring Tyler Stout Art from Mondo



Mondo will release their third vinyl soundtrack of the year... DRIVE. This vinyl has been a long time coming and they truly appreciate all of your patience in waiting for these. It's here and it's amazing. THey had a small amount for sale at they TYLER STOUT & KEN TAYLOR gallery opening last Friday, but now it's time to put these online. DRIVE is a 180 gram double LP that features Cliff Martinez' wonderful score for the film remastered for vinyl by James Plotkin. The vinyl comes packaged in beautiful new artwork by Tyler Stout and will be released in two colors: black and randomly inserted pink vinyl.

In addition to the DRIVE vinyl, they will also release two brand new t-shirt designs they debuted at the gallery show.

 This LP and these t-shirts will be available online at a random time on Friday, March 22nd at

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