Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kevin Gosselin Dead Kozik Bust Kickstarter Project





Now who would not want Frank Kozik with them at all times, now is your chance to make that dream a reality. Back in October of 2012 Kevin Gosselin participated in a tribute show for artist Frank Kozik.  After wracking his brains for hours upon end he consulted my brother.  He and his brother brainstormed for a while until finally he said, "I don't know man, but I hope someone does a dead frank bust." He didn't think he was suggesting Kevin do it, but as soon as he heard the words he knew that was it.  His concept was to make a life-like Kozik bust but he had a very limited window to create the piece so he said, it's gotta be a skull bust like Che.

The busts are 13" of Rotocast Vinyl goodness with Original Box Art created by Frank Kozik

Go HERE to help out with Kevin's Kickstarter Project and see the different levels of rewards you can get.  Watch the video too.

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