Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Anonymous Ink and Idea Flatstock 38 Poster




Anonymous Ink and Idea recently teamed up with Mama's Sauce (a boutique letterpress/screenprint shop in Orlando, Fl) to create some letterpress business cards. In true Anonymous form, the card has no name or phone number on it, but it does feature a beautiful blind deboss on one side, and a silver metallic ink on the other. To achieve the desired look, they duplexed black cardstock directly to white cardstock and then trimmed it down to 2 x 2" square.

 Anonymous Ink and Idea was so pleased with the results, he thought it would be interesting to execute a similar printing process for Anonymous's Flatstock poster this year. So he reached out to Mama's Sauce again and they conspired to created a 10x10" square, double-sided poster. Using a screen-printing method (instead of letterpress) the front of the poster features two ink colors on white cardstock, and the reverse side features a single color on black. Again, they duplexed both sheets together and trimmed down to the final 10 x 10" size.

The end result feels more like a vinyl record sleeve than a poster, but looks great and consistent with what he initially envisioned. Anonymous Ink and Idea  be selling these little guys at Flatstock and will put whatever copies he has left on his site next week.

• 10x10" double-sided poster
• Front - 2 ink colors (black & metallic silver)
• Back - 1 ink color (transparent metallic silver)

• Duplexed French Construction (pure white) / French Pop-tone (black licorice)
• Numbered Edition of 100
• Signed by Anonymous

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